Archive for the ‘go kart’ Category

August 26, 2009

bg/ish: “We’re the stars of CCTV”

I’d made reference to the day we bombed the grassy hills of Dolores Park in this blog before, but I admit I quite surprised to head over to Mission Mission today and see your boy bg standing atop the park next to that little kart of death.

As it turns out, some women sitting on the bench behind us were getting some of the madness on video. It’s not a terribly exciting video, although Chewie almost gets rubbed out, and although my crash goes mostly unseen, it’s apparent by the reaction of the onlookers.

Aptly titled “Life Size Pinewood Derby”, enjoy this brief clip of our insanity.

July 16, 2009

bg/ish: “Good days, bad days, halfway days…”

“…but I’m still lookin’ for a Greatdayindamornin'”

The last few days have been great. Summer in the city. The kinds of days when going to work seems almost pointless. Too beautiful outside. Too distracted inside. Morning walks through a city bustling with tourists. 2 hour lunches. Cigarette breaks in the grass at Union Square. Afternoon elevator rides to the top of St. Francis. Frozen yogurt. Quiet moments in a rooftop garden.

Then 5 p.m. rolls around. Mashing. Always. Never not. Straight to Dolores Beach Park. Tecates. Red Stripes. Tasty herbs. Georgeisms. I love my backyard. Hill bombing in a go kart. Tumbles and rolls. Road rash. The laughter of good friends. It hurts so good.

Late dinner at Monk’s Kettle. Siamese Twins. Late night walks through the summer air. Climb to Buena Vista. No Sherpa. Slice of Castro Special. The pizza, not the lifestyle. Sketches and Haiku. Just because. Falling asleep to Burial one night. Emancipator the next. A beautiful smile in the middle of the night. Waking as the sun rises… a greatdayindamornin’. Feeling content.

“Buy the ticket, take the ride.” – Hunter S. Thompson